Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year...what about the Old Year?

If you ever have a free moment or time for a coffee, hit me up. I've got quite the stories of what God has done in me and my family this past year. I want to hear your stories too!

Sometimes, it's really easy for me to cry out to God, wonder where He is in my current circumstance, only later to look back and see that He was not only there, but He was working! I guess my hindsight really is 20/20.

So, looking back on 2011, or what I like to refer to as "Old Year", I've seen God be patient with me. I've seen Him bless and guide my choices. I've seen Him sustain me. I've seen Him keep 3 precious little girls in our family, ultimately to stay with us forever. I've seen Him through every month, week and even day; doing life with me. Never leaving.

Of course, the cliche` thing to do now is make a New Year's Resolution, right? Ok, then. My silly, crazy, out-of-the-box choice for 2012 is to be a "Classy Vegetarian". What does that mean? Simply, no meat. I've already had people ask legalistic questions like, are you cutting dairy or if 'no meat' includes's the thing: it's no meat. That's it. Nothing fancy. I already don't eat much meat as it is, so this is just me going all the way.

Feel free to pray for me. Or just take the meat I'm not eating.

I'm not stopping here though. I don't want to be remembered as the girl who didn't eat meat in 2012. Naw, that's not good enough.

Here's what I really want to do in 2012: I want to pursue peace. In every area. In each choice. Every relationship. I don't want things left unsaid, or disagreements left in the air. I want to clear all the spiderwebs of whatever that gunk is between me and other people, but mainly, between me and God.

I want 2012 to be the year I fully embrace Psalm 34:14, "Seek peace and pursue it." Peace with every day, choice, person, especially God.

Remember in the Bible where it talks about that "peace that surpasses all understanding" thing? Yeah, that only comes from God. That's what I'm chasing.


Doesn't that sound nice?

If you answered (or thought) yes, jump on board. Run after peace with me.

Come on 2012, give me your best. Give us your best.