Thursday, August 5, 2010


Lately, I've been praying really 'blunt' prayers, so to speak. Not much structure to them, just talking to Him, like a friend, and blurting out whatever I'm dealing with or thinking about. When I say it out loud, it tends to have a bigger impact on me.

Like I'll look around or at the ceiling & say,
"God, I'm really sick of being alone"
"God, I feel like I'm the only one still wanting to do right"
"God, I don't think I can do this anymore...I just don't know."

Just talking, out loud, to God with what's going on & allowing Him to speak to me & change my thinking. I hear the enemies lies when I speak out loud what I'm feeling, AND THEN I allow God's truth to come back in.

You don't have to put on a face for God. Like you've got everything put together, like you can handle it and you'll just "ration" out what you think God can or would handle concerning you today.

Let it all hang out! Tell God what's going on ... and then let Him handle it.


Kathy said...

Thanks Jenn,

Remember...I could always use a Godly daughter in law!
Just sayin'.


Jenn said...

Haha, Kathy you are hilarious! That's another area I'm praying about too!!

Rick Smith said...

That is the best way to pray... be real