1. Scream.
2. Get mad.
I guess, for some people, those two can even go hand-in-hand! I'm a pretty even-tempered, problem-solving, peace-making person.
That being said, any time I experience one of these things, I tend to hold on to it. Especially if I'm the one who screamed or got mad.
This is probably why I love roller coasters. It's my chance to get some screams out!
However, it's not such a good thing when I get mad. It's almost like when you try something new, it's exciting, you get a rush, it's just a whole new experience!
So, I tend to hang on to that anger for a little bit, to savor it, if you will. I don't do anything destructive or hurtful during this time, more like I keep it inside for a little bit. Usually only ends up being a few hours. Though, I know that time needs to be a lot shorter. Instead of "reveling" in this new-found emotion I never get to use, I have to give it to God and not hang on to it.
Something that's never failed for me, almost like a magic trick, is prayer. No joke, every time I pray, all that anger slides off. Even if I wanted to be mad, I can't! I see the whole situation differently, I'm seeing through God's eyes.
I had one of these experiences last week.
It was a righteous anger. It was seeing people turn their back on God and deliberately living their life like they never knew Him, and I'm supposed to be around them and act like everything is ok?!?! I knew I was going to be around them and I had a few things I had planned to tell them - I just knew they needed to hear it too!
About 20 minutes before I saw them, though, I just crumbled before God. I knew what I wanted to say was stirred by my heart knowing that they don't know Him. It's like someone headed down a road, at 70 mph, with a bridge out at the end. I want to yell at them, "STOP!! TURN AROUND! THIS IS THE WRONG ROAD! YOU'RE GOING TO PERISH!" Even though all of those things would come out of love, they won't listen to it like that.
I've tried all I can with them and I know the only thing left is to focus on my life, living right and seeking Him. Hopefully the light I'm running after will make them want the same for their life. That's the hope I'm clinging to.
What makes you mad? What do you do?
*My church is talking about this, too. What breaks your heart? What are you doing about it? Check it out here: http://www.lifechurch.tv/watch/change-your-world/1
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