Monday, October 24, 2011

More Jesus

My mom told me yesterday, "I want more of you."

I started thinking, has been a while since I've spent time with just my mom. I need to plan some time for us to do something...

Then, this nice thought was shattered by the realization that I was cleaning her kitchen and she was really saying she wanted more Jenns. She was wishing she had chosen to have at least 3 more kids just like me.

Yeah. Great talk, Mom. If only cloning were biblical. If only.

After I got over that, I thought about this coffee mug that's been sitting in my office. It says "More Jesus".

I think we all want more Jesus. Not sure if drinking Him out of a cup really works or not, but it couldn't hurt, right?

How do you get more of Him, though? Seriously. Only go certain places? Wear clothes that have scriptures on them? Blast our Christian rap at the stoplight? See how many times you can say "Can I pray for you?" in a day?

Don't get me wrong, all these things are great...and I do them all, my point is this: is it Jesus memorabilia we have, or actually more Jesus?

See, I don't want to be known for being a good Christian. I don't. That's not what I'm here for.

I need to strive to know Him. To seek Him. To get more of Him. Not little bobble heads of Jesus in every area of my life, but just Jesus in every area of my life.

If I happen to be a good Christian in the process, awesome. Even better.

So how do I, personally, let more of Jesus into more of me? By giving more of me to Him.

That's totally against my human nature, but I'm working on it.

I hope you will too.

Do you have more things with Jesus on them or more Jesus?

1 comment:

Wendy Jones said...

Great stuff Jenn! I couldn't have said it any better myself! Sometimes I think, "Oh if I just surround myself with Christian people I'll get more Jesus..." or "If I read my Bible every day and pray..." or "If I listen to only Christian music all day..." or "If I try to be good and never ever cuss at all..." or "Try to watch good quality shows on TV, maybe I'll get closer to Jesus..." and it doesn't have anything to do with all this stuff. I want to go deeper than that like you...yes, a daily quiet time, healthy prayer life, church, and Christian music are great, but sometimes they can just turn into going through the motions and before you know it, it's like we're caught in doing good works or striving in our own to be good or better. We have to remember that we CAN'T but God and the Holy Spirit CAN through us. Less of us, and more of Jesus. :) LOVE IT! LOVE IT! :)