Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I want to ride the cars! (Insert whine here)
He went with my parent’s to a little fair in town and got to ride tons of rides the other day. When I got there he and my 3 little sisters were having so much fun and had the biggest smiles on their faces.
We had time to ride one more ride. It was a hard decision, but it had to be done.
We went with the Tilt-A-Whirl.
Best ride ever, hands down.
All 4 kids plus 2 of us big kids got to enjoy this wonderful ride. I was with Priscilla (5) and Olivia (2), screaming and laughing the whole time. I felt pretty accomplished getting so many great spins…ahhh, nothing like it.
When the ride was over, we all knew it was time to go.
As we were walking to the car, we were almost home free, but not before Christian spotted an alluring ride. It was the cars.
The sparkly cars that go around in a circle. He couldn’t get it off his mind. He kept asking to ride it, cried over it, threw a fit…he just knew that ride would be all he ever wanted and more!
Needless to say, he ruined his own day because all he could think about was not getting to ride the car ride.
I think we do that with God too.
I do that.
I whine, pout, throw a fit and complain about not getting what I really wanted.
Sure, I got to do tons of other fun things and was blessed so much, but that’s not the point.
I want to ride the car ride! I want that job! I want that opportunity! I want that guy! I want that house!
I wonder how many days or moments I’ve ruined because I was so focused on what I didn’t get.
Too many, I’m sure.
I’m not a little 3 year old; I have no excuse! I know God’s plans are bigger and better than anything I might want for myself. That’s always been true.
I've got to stop looking at that car ride I think is going to be so much fun- besides, it's almost always not what I really wanted.
You've seen that car just goes around in a circle. Whoop-dee-do.
I'm choosing to focus on the things God is doing around me, in me, through me, and the amazing things to come!
What things cause you to be ungrateful for what God has done or is doing in your life? What is your "Car Ride" that distracts you?
Monday, April 16, 2012
Love Stories
I’m convinced that the best love stories are the ones that take longer to happen.
First, let me say it’s hard to wait. It’s hard to go through life, single, for years and years. There are days that you know that God has a plan and there are some that you wonder if He really knows how you feel.
I’ve been there. I am there.
If I keep going back to the truth though, I can make it that day. His promises can be trusted.
I’ve been reading Ruth’s story again. It doesn’t give a lot of timelines in the story, however. How long she traveled with her mother in law, how long she gleaned with the other girls, etc. It did say she was married for 10 years before her husband died though.
Ten years!
10 years before Boaz even entered the story; this wonderful story.
Speaking of Boaz…oh, Boaz. He’s that guy we all picture, coming in (possibly on horseback or a nice car, with a million dollar smile who is a “man of standing” (See Ruth 2:1) who just happens to be really sweet and down to eart- Sorry…I’m getting carried away.), sweeping us off our feet and causing us to live happily ever after. I’m sure that’s not exactly how their life went, but I’ll save that for a later post.
You might feel the “one” God has promised you, the one you dream about, the one you pray for, your “Boaz”, is probably lost and just won’t ask for directions. If he would just hurry up already, right?
Though, like this story, Ruth was older, had already been married for 10 years, had moved in with her Mother-in-law and was picking up scraps from a field before Boaz noticed her.
It’s not too late for me and it’s not too late for you. We’re in the right place!
God hasn’t forgotten us. He hasn’t changed His mind. His promise still stands.
Hold on to it. Hold on to Him.
Do “All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character”? (Ruth 3:11)
Keep praying. Keep doing what you’re doing. Keep living for and pursuing God.
You never know who might notice you while you’re doing what God has called you to.
Oh, and if you happen to see my Boaz wondering around lost, can you point him in my direction? Thanks.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Oh that? That doesn't apply to me.
"But I tell you who hear me: love your enemies and do good to those who hate you." Luke 6:27
I don't know about you, but when I read scriptures like this one, I try to back up to the beginning and pretend I never read it. Seriously.
Just like how we conveniently don't see the "LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER" sign or we check out with 13 items in the "10 ITEMS OR LESS" line at Walmart.
You know you do it.
Sometimes, we just like to act as if certain things don't apply to us when they obviously do (I'm looking at you, lady in front of me who's going to need a team-lift AND a carry-out for your purchase.)
So why don't I want to hear that I should not only just love my enemies (Crazy, right?) but also do good to those who hate me?
I know, "enemies" or "haters" seems like a pretty strong term, doesn't it?
Honestly, I've got a little of both.
I've got people that I like to avoid because they are so hostile toward me, my family, the way I believe, my work, etc.
I've even got people who I would consider more dangerous than "Haters" because they are super nice to my face but as soon as I turn around, they are, well...hateful. They speak negatively about me, tear down my character, attack my choices and all the while think they are getting away with it. If you do that, please stop. You may not see it as a big deal or even classify it as "hating" or "gossip", but please hear me when I say, it is. And it gets back to the person you're talking about too, believe me.
After all of that ugly, nasty, hurtful stuff that is said about me or my family, I'm supposed to do good to them...really?!
That's so backwards to our human nature...our culture, even.
But that's exactly how God treats us. He constantly loves no matter what we do, say, or decide against Him.
And I'm called to be like Him. That's it.
So, to all my enemies and haters: come on in, put your feet up, I'll get you a drink and simply continue to love and do good to you. You sure don't deserve it, but it's what you're getting.
Do you have any haters? How do you handle them?