Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Oh that? That doesn't apply to me.

"But I tell you who hear me: love your enemies and do good to those who hate you." Luke 6:27

I don't know about you, but when I read scriptures like this one, I try to back up to the beginning and pretend I never read it. Seriously.

Just like how we conveniently don't see the "LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER" sign or we check out with 13 items in the "10 ITEMS OR LESS" line at Walmart.

You know you do it.

Sometimes, we just like to act as if certain things don't apply to us when they obviously do (I'm looking at you, lady in front of me who's going to need a team-lift AND a carry-out for your purchase.)

So why don't I want to hear that I should not only just love my enemies (Crazy, right?) but also do good to those who hate me?

I know, "enemies" or "haters" seems like a pretty strong term, doesn't it?

Honestly, I've got a little of both.

I've got people that I like to avoid because they are so hostile toward me, my family, the way I believe, my work, etc.

I've even got people who I would consider more dangerous than "Haters" because they are super nice to my face but as soon as I turn around, they are, well...hateful. They speak negatively about me, tear down my character, attack my choices and all the while think they are getting away with it. If you do that, please stop. You may not see it as a big deal or even classify it as "hating" or "gossip", but please hear me when I say, it is. And it gets back to the person you're talking about too, believe me.

After all of that ugly, nasty, hurtful stuff that is said about me or my family, I'm supposed to do good to them...really?!

That's so backwards to our human nature...our culture, even.

But that's exactly how God treats us. He constantly loves no matter what we do, say, or decide against Him.

And I'm called to be like Him. That's it.

So, to all my enemies and haters: come on in, put your feet up, I'll get you a drink and simply continue to love and do good to you. You sure don't deserve it, but it's what you're getting.

Do you have any haters? How do you handle them?

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