Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Waiting...still waiting.

You would think after doing it for over 22 years, I would be good at waiting.
Hahahahaha, no.

Not the case.

It’s like I reset overnight somehow.

Doubts creep in.

I forget who I am in Him.

I forget what He’s done & what He’s promised.

As I type this, I realize it sounds silly and it really IS!

I think we all do this. We have a head knowledge that God has an amazing, mind-blowing plan for us- yet our flesh, surroundings and insecurities test us every day. They question the truth that is ours, no matter what.

We forget all the time what God has done and His promises that we know He will fulfill.

Don’t jump the gun. Don’t go on your own whim because you’re tired of waiting. Don’t let your doubt overcome your faith.

So, just as a reminder for today, you’re not forgotten.

He hasn’t changed His mind.

He hasn’t stopped loving you.

He’s not torturing you by waiting. (Though sometimes it feels like it.)

He’s growing you through this and the outcome will be greater the longer you wait.

I’m saying this to myself too; He knows your desires. He knows your heart. He knows the difficulty of waiting. He knows the amazing outcome and joy that’s coming!

Hang on!

What are you waiting on? What reminds you not to give up?


Brittni and Daniel said...

Saw the words waiting and knew I needed to read. My husband and I are adopting from Ethiopia, and we are close to submitting our paperwork then we will be waiting for our referral. Which could take up to 2 years. It is SOOOO hard to be patient and wait for your child, knowing there are soooo many WAITING also! Waiting for a family to wrap them in their arms, waiting for hope, waiting for someone to take them from an orphanage that is all they've ever known. Th waiting is killing me, but its all for Him and His glory! His timing!
And oddly enough, I look down to your next post, and your going to Ethiopia! How amazing! Wish that I could go on this trip, but were fundraising all of our costs for our adoption. And raising funds for a mission trip seems to be out of the question. Be blessed by the country, and look forward to hearing all about it!

Jenn said...

That's incredible! I know this wasn't a coincidence either! I hope this is a reminder that His promises are true and you will be blessed in and through the waiting. Can't wait to hear about the adoption finalization and see pictures!

Brittni and Daniel said...

Thanks so much :) Cant wait to share the pictures and that the adoption is final! Worth the wait for sure :)

coleen carlson said...

This is exactly What I tell myself everyday. Wait. My family owns a small company and It seems like were constantly waiting. It's hard to put aside the stress and worry of this life and remember to be faithful that God has a bigger plan. He will not abandon his children!!

Jenn said...

Amen, Coleen, thanks for the note!

Anonymous said...

"Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."
