Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Squeegee Techniques

I was either being super observant or super bored this weekend...either way, it produced this post - or what could be a tutorial, if you wish.

As my family stopped at a gas station on the way to Wichita, with 4 little kids, 4 years old & under, that ALL had to go to the bathroom...but, of course, each only knew this once one of the other kids finally got back in the car. Yes, that meant 4 trips.

I have no idea why I didn't help, but that's not the point here. :)

The point is that I witnessed something that I had no idea could be done so many different ways.

For your benefit, I've compiled a detailed & pictured list of the different techniques of squeegeeing that I witnessed that one afternoon alone:

"Flick" or "Whip"

This is the "Flick" or "Whip". Very common. Simply, in between each swipe, flick the water on the ground. Really good at getting strangers wet too.

"Mr. I got this Strong-Arm"

Here's "Mr. I got this Strong-Arm" himself. This guy is all business and can press down so hard for each swipe that he's in no need to flick or wipe excess water like a pansy.
"Finger Swipe"

This was a first for me. I thought the guy was being goofy or something, but no, he was all-business too. He seriously thought that a "Finger Swipe" to get the excess water off was the best way to squeegee. Gross.

Honestly, I'm pretty sure the lady who did this had never washed a window in her life. She probably had good intentions, but she squeegeed from the bottom to the top. If you've washed even 1 window in your life, you know that doesn't work. I contemplated helping her, but thought that blogging about it would help more. Don't be a "Bottom-Top-Bottom". Just don't.

"Extendo Arm"

I'm still surprised how serious all these people were about washing their windows. This guy had to get out his "Extendo Arm" to wipe his window vertically. Why? I don't know. You're welcome for passing it on anyway. Someone needs to tell him the phrase every Grandma says, "Work smarter, not harder."

"Halfway Harry"

Oh, "Halfway Harry"...your work ethic appalls me. This guy was either in too much of a hurry to finish his window, or just didn't care enough to finish the job. Either way, I laughed like crazy as he drove off like it was normal to have a half wet windshield. Hilarious.


Finally, there's "Patty". I would be a Patty. It makes sense to cleanly wipe off the excess water and gunk with one of those gas stop napkins that feel like sandpaper. Though, usually the guy before you takes ALL of those just to stock up his glove box, so always have extra in you car just in case.

There you go! Again, you're welcome.

Which one are you? Are there other "techniques" you've seen or done?