Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

Wow, it doesn't seem like it's been 8 years already. I remember I was at home doing school when my Mom was talking loudly on the phone to someone in the Living room. My brother and I walked in there and saw her watching the news and talking to my Dad on the phone. She was saying, "It looks like a horrible movie, surely this isn't really happening..."

I remember going to Walmart that day and everyone's attitude was different. People were more aware of others, nicer even. Everyone was really protective, though. People were walking around just to have something to do. They were really apt to talk too. There was an older lady who stopped us in an isle and talked about her daughter, who was in New York that week, and how she couldn't get a hold of her. We prayed with her right there in the pop isle of Walmart!

Such a tragic day that has marred so many lives. This day always has kind of a grey cloud hanging over it. I don't know about you, but that makes me look to God even more. Only He can heal our pain and be our Ultimate Comforter. Look for that peace that surpasses understanding today.

Prayer for today:
We looked with horror on the terrorist attacks of September 11th.
But we looked with honor on acts of courage by ordinary people
who sacrificed themselves to prevent further death and destruction.

We shed our tears in a common bond of grief for those we loved and lost.
We journeyed through a dark valley, but your light has led us to a place of hope.
You have turned our grief into determination.
We are resolved to do what is good, and right, and just.

Help us to remember what it means to be Americans—
a people endowed with abundant blessings.
Help us to cherish the freedoms we enjoy and inspire us to stand
with courage, united as one Nation in the midst of any adversity.

Lord, hear this prayer for our Nation. Amen.

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