Thursday, August 6, 2009

Not Easily Broken

When God made Adam, He instructed him to do three things; work, cultivate, protect. Down through history men have been measured by how hard they've worked and cultivated, by how well they've protected their wives and children. In the old days women saw their men as conquerors, providers, heroes. But somewhere along the line, that changed. Women started becoming their own heroes. Maybe it was because their men forgot how to be heroic. Or because women didn't want to be protected anymore. Or maybe women had to be their own heroes because of the pain they had to endure in life. But whatever the cause, the world took away a man's reasons for being a man. They told him he wasn't important anymore. And when that happened, it turned the whole world upside down.
-From the movie "Not Easily Broken"

"...A cord of three strands is not easily broken..." Ecclesiastes 4:12

I've been passionate about this for a while now...I see how the majority of women act in relationships and it makes me sick and really sad. Even in the better marriages, the guy can be all attentive and focused on the woman and she's either expecting it, acting like it's no big deal or she's oblivious and ditsy. This makes me so upset and I just want to go up to them and show them a picture of what they are doing! Now, every situation and relationship is different, yes; but there are so many women who have been changed by this world into taking on the wrong role in relationships. If the men would step up and be men and the women would step up and be women - you'd be surprised at how we would fuel each other to continue to play those roles. We were made like this for a reason and a specific purpose! We've been brainwashed into thinking that we are the "weaker half" that so bad? I mean, really - Men are here to care for us, it's part of their role. And although I am the worst at accepting help from others, I'm learning that when I do it allows them to play out their role. It's not something that they can hold over me or bring up's their role. They want to, they were designed to. Women are a vital part as well, of course. I just see so many people around me being stubborn, hard headed and they have the mindset that they have to do something because their husband won't. Maybe, just maybe, he won't because you are. Let him take over for a bit and encourage him...oh and pick your jaw up off the ground! Yeah, God designed us perfectly and we just need to play our roles so that others can play theirs.

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church; and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." Ephesians 5:22 - 24

Why is it that so many of us take offense to this? I'm thinking it's a heart issue. God wouldn't have this in the Bible to make us mad or belittle us. He wants the very best for us, right? Why, then, would this be a bad thing?

Submission to God is really hard in anyone’s life. First of all, we need to know that everyone that submits to God has to put his or her pride down first. Ouch! Solomon wrote in Proverbs 6 that the Lord hates 6 things and yet 7 are an abomination. He comes right out and tells us that the Lord hates a proud look. If we look at the scripture throughout the Word of God, we find that pride was the downfall of not only mankind, but of Lucifer and one third of the angels. Today, we see pride in families more now than ever. Wives not wanting to be submissive, husbands not wanting to be leaders, and children not obeying their parents.

A wife being submissive to their husbands is in direct obedience to God. In 1 Peter 3:1, Peter said, "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives."

A good example of submission is the fact that instead of showing your spouse where they are wrong and gloating about it, work together to over come mistakes. Allow God to direct your paths together and seek HIS wisdom, which HE freely gives (James 1:5). Wives, submission to your husband’s authority(servant leadership), which God gave him, is submission to God’s authority.

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