Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm No Good.

Have you ever had that thought?

You try and try and find that you're just no good at something?

I have.

For example, my entire family is fantastic at drawing, sketching, painting, sculpting, etc. I'm telling you, you can give them anything to create and they can.

I can barely draw stick people.

I took some classes in high school that helped with the basics, but I don't dare draw around my family because I know I'm no good at art.

Or is it drawing I'm no good at? Yeah, let's change that to "I'm no good at drawing". I can live with that. I've tried, I've practiced and I'm just no good at drawing. Ok.

Now, there's still that word "art" out that, I just might be good at. I've been doing Photoshop for almost 1 year and I'm really enjoying it and getting kind of good (maybe).

That's art, right? I like to work on pictures and I like music...wait a minute, that's art too!

So, yes, I'm no good at drawing, but if I take a step back, I see that I don't have to drop art altogether, because it's not art that I'm no good at; it's drawing.

So, what is it for you?

If you're no good at singing, you can still be good at music.

If you're no good at speaking, you still have a voice and something to say.

If you're no good at making a home run, you can still be good at sports.

If you can't get pregnant, you can still be a parent to someone.

See what I'm getting at? We can't all be good at everything, but you may be good at more than you thought.

What are you no good at?

1 comment:

Elizabeth Pruett said...

I always wanted to be good at drawing or painting... but let's just say that is a gene I didn't inherit.

But, I have learned that I don't have to be good at everything or even that one thing. I enjoy quilting and genealogy, and while I'm certainly no expert at them, they are opportunities to create art and bless others.