Thursday, August 11, 2011

Oh, arrogance. Psshh.

The dictionary defines arrogance as "having disregard for other people."

God has many things to say against arrogant people. He holds all of us in such high regard that anyone who doesn't hold others in a high regard is operating counter to His ideals.

I don't believe that anyone sets out to be arrogant. No one says, "I'm just not conceited enough" or "My goal is to belittle twice as many people today." But yet, it happens all the time.

We become arrogant through the force of our self-perspective.

"I'm older."
"I'm the boss; my opinions matter more."
"I'm richer."
"She's just a waitress."
"I make a bigger difference than he does."

...and so many more.

Make a point, a real effort, today to hold everyone you see in higher regard than you normally would. Go out of your way to think more highly of them than you do of yourself. You might be surprised on how much different your day has been by the end of the day.

"Their arrogance testifies against them." Hosea 7:10

How do you keep from being arrogant and think of others more highly?

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